Insights & Resources
We hear your cries, frustration, and prayers for love and patience. If you are concerned about the future of abortion access or are seeking alterna...
Currently, immigrants, regardless of legal status, are prohibited from receiving many forms of healthcare coverage that most other Americans can re...
Las personas in/migrantes también tienen derecho a una vida digna, y eso implica acceso a la salud como un derecho humano. Tanto la justicia reprod...
CFC Director of Policy Shannon Russell testified before the Colorado Senate Health and Human Services Committee in support of the Patient's Right t...
CFC Director of Policy Shannon Russell submitted testimony to the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee for their hearing on SB23-190. This testimony...
CFC Director of Policy Shannon Russell submitted testimony to the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee for their hearing on SB23-188. This testimony...
CFC President Jamie Manson submitted testimony to the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary for their hearing on the ratification of the Equal Right...