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Conscience Magazine

Pericoital Contraception and the Market

By Catholics for Choice December 20, 2016

In “Does Big Pharma Believe in Autonomy?” Stuart WG Derbyshire correctly notes that some women want to use emergency contraceptive (EC) pills as their regular contraceptive method, and that such a method is not currently on the market. But his conjecture that “big pharma” is keeping such a method out of women’s hands in order to exercise “moral” control is simplistic. Our belief is that big pharma is not particularly interested in morality, but rather in markets. We are cautiously optimistic about such a peri­coital pill and think it warrants further research. It would meet the needs of millions of women currently not using a contraceptive method due to infrequent sex, and has some appealing characteristics.

Yet, having spent consider­able time thinking about how such a pill could be made available, we recognize that there are a number of chal­lenges before this “routine” use of emergency contracep­tion (which would then cease to be an “emergency” method) can become wide­spread. To truly mainstream such a pill, it would have to be approved by a stringent regulatory agency, such as the US Food and Drug Administration or the Euro­pean Medicines Agency. The regulatory process necessi­tates clinical trials, which would need to show adequate efficacy and safety and would be quite expensive. It is unclear whether such a method could, in fact, be approved or whether any pharmaceutical company would be willing to make this substantial investment.

In the absence of a clinical trial and a labeled and regu­lated pericoital pill, a move towards a “multipack” approach appears be underway: In the United States, a drugstore chain recently started selling emergency contraception in a two-pack, and an online emergency contraception vendor sells three-packs. In Malaysia, a well-known international manufacturer sells its emergency contra­ception in five-packs, and there are probably other such “multipack” versions of EC available in other markets. Selling emergency contraceptive pills in this way encourages advance planning and makes it easier for women to use them more than once, destigmatizes repeat or routine use of emergency contraception and may offer a price that allows some women to use this pill several times a month.

This already ongoing move towards a pericoital contraceptive method raises an important research agenda, separate from the clinical trial: Will women who take this pill and then experience menstrual disrup­tion be able to detect preg­nancies promptly? Will women use this method instead of more effective methods, or instead of condoms that might prevent sexually transmitted infec­tions? Will women use it to back up natural family plan­ning strategies? Can it be provided at an affordable price? These crucial ques­tions are unlikely to be addressed by the pharmaceu­tical industry. Are the donor, nonprofit and academic sectors ready to step in?

International Consortium for Emergency Contraception
New York, NY

Gynuity Health Projects
New York, NY

Catholics for Choice

was founded in 1973 to serve as a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health.