Catholics in Public Life
Resources designed to help Catholic policymakers promote policies that ensure access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.
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Resources available for Catholic policymakers
Catholics in Public Life is a nonpartisan, public education initiative that helps Catholic policymakers clearly articulate prochoice positions grounded in progressive Catholicism and sound public policy.
A project of Catholics for Choice, the resources available through Catholics in Public Life are designed to help Catholic policymakers effectively promote policies that ensure access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services.
This multi-faceted program provides:
- Cutting-edge policy analysis
- High-level communications training
- In-depth research on Catholic voters and on the Catholic hierarchy and its influence on public policy debates
- Investigative opposition research on groups and individuals who seek to discredit and silence prochoice Catholics
- A nationwide network of prochoice Catholic policymakers from which to draw strength and inspiration